2024 |
Temporal Clustering at Urkesh. A Structural Analysis of Strata, Phases, Horizons (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2020 |
The Urkesh Mittani Horizon: Ceramic Evidence |
2020 |
Continuity and Innovation at Urkesh in the ED III Period |
2020 |
To Sift or Not to Sift... Research on the Effectiveness of Sifting |
2020 |
Distancing: One-on-One Heritage Archaeology across Three Continents (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2019 |
Images of Work in Urkesh |
2019 |
Urkesh ceramic evidence for function |
2018 |
Celebrating Life in Mesopotamia |
2018 |
Urkesh Insights into Kura-Araxes Social Interaction |
2017 |
Archaeology for a Young Future (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2016 |
Urkesh: The Morphology and Cultural Landscape of the Hurrian Sacred |
2016 |
Women's Power and Work in Ancient Urkesh |
2016 |
The Urkesh Ceramics Digital Book |
2016 |
Georgia Paese d'oro e di fede. Identità e alterità nella storia di un popolo |
2015 |
Power and Identity Construction in Ancient Urkesh |
2014 |
... Nor North: The Urkesh Temple Terrace (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2013 |
Landscape and Spatial Organization |
2012 |
Apprenticeship and Learning from the Ancestors: The Case of Ancient Urkesh |
2010 |
Urkesh Ceramic Evidence for Function and Emulation Processes |
2010 |
Mozan/Urkesh in the Late Chalcolithic Period |
2009 |
Uqnitum and Tar'am-Agade, Patronage and Portraiture at Urkesh |
2009 |
The Great Temple Terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2008 |
Using Image Analysis Software |
2008 |
The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2007 |
Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2006 |
Gilgamesh at Urkesh? Literary Motifs and Iconographic Identifications |
2005 |
Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2005 |
Introduction to the Archaeo-zoology of the ābi |
2005 |
Urkesh and the North: Recent Discoveries |
2004-2005 |
Urkesh Ceramics from the Palace Area (with Jamal Omar) |
2004 |
Andirons at Urkesh: New Evidence for the Hurrian Identity of Early Transcaucasian Culture |
2004 |
Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2003 |
Ein hurritischer Gang in die Unterwelt |
2003 |
Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh) |
2002 |
Tar'am-Agade, Daughter of Naram-Sin, at Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2002 |
Die Große Schnittstelle (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2001 |
In Search of Hurrian Urkesh |
2001 |
Überlegungen zur funktionellen und historischen Bestimmung des Königspalastes AP (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
2000 |
The Royal Palace of Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1999 |
Das archäologische Projekt Tall Mozan/Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1998 |
The Courtiers of the Queen of Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1998 |
The Workshops of Urkesh |
1997 |
Mozan, Tell (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1997 |
Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1996 |
Seals in Ancient Mesopotamia and Seals of God in Revelation |
1996 |
Una manciata di secoli (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1996 |
Nuzi Viewed from Urkesh, Urkesh Viewed from Nuzi |
1996 |
The Seals of the King of Urkesh (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1995-6 |
The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1995 |
The Identification of Urkesh with Tell Mozan (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1995 |
Mozan (Tall) (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1994 |
Mozan (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1991 |
Mozan, American Journal of Archaeology (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1990 |
Tell Mozan, in Mille et une capitales de Haute-Mesopotamie (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1990 |
Three Seasons of Excavation at Tell Mozan |
1990 |
Iconographic and Formal Analysis of Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals |
1990 |
Trade in Metals in the Third Millennium: Northeastern Syria and Eastern Anatolia |
1990 |
A New Third Millennium Sculpture from Mozan |
1988 |
Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons (with Giorgio Buccellati) |
1986 |
Insight Through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (ed., with P. Matthiae and M. Van Loon) |