Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati



[Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati's publications on Mozan]



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2024 “Temporal Clustering at Urkesh. A Structural Analysis of Strata, Phases, Horizons” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2020 “The Urkesh Mittani Horizon: Ceramic Evidence”
2020 “Continuity and Innovation at Urkesh in the ED III Period”
2020 “To Sift or Not to Sift... Research on the Effectiveness of Sifting”
2020 “Distancing: One-on-One Heritage Archaeology across Three Continents” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2019 “Images of Work in Urkesh”
2019 “Urkesh ceramic evidence for function”
2018 “Celebrating Life in Mesopotamia”
2018 “Urkesh Insights into Kura-Araxes Social Interaction”
2017 “Archaeology for a Young Future” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2016 “Urkesh: The Morphology and Cultural Landscape of the Hurrian Sacred”
2016 “Women's Power and Work in Ancient Urkesh”
2016 The Urkesh Ceramics Digital Book
2016 Georgia Paese d'oro e di fede. Identità e alterità nella storia di un popolo
2015 “Power and Identity Construction in Ancient Urkesh”
2014 “... Nor North: The Urkesh Temple Terrace” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2013 “Landscape and Spatial Organization”
2012 “Apprenticeship and Learning from the Ancestors: The Case of Ancient Urkesh”
2010 “Urkesh Ceramic Evidence for Function and Emulation Processes”
2010 “Mozan/Urkesh in the Late Chalcolithic Period”
2009 “Uqnitum and Tar'am-Agade, Patronage and Portraiture at Urkesh”
2009 “The Great Temple Terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2008 “Using Image Analysis Software”
2008 “The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2007 “Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2006 “Gilgamesh at Urkesh? Literary Motifs and Iconographic Identifications”
2005 “Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2005 “Introduction to the Archaeo-zoology of the ābi
2005 “Urkesh and the North: Recent Discoveries”
2004-2005 “Urkesh Ceramics from the Palace Area (with Jamal Omar)
2004 “Andirons at Urkesh: New Evidence for the Hurrian Identity of Early Transcaucasian Culture”
2004 “Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2003 “Ein hurritischer Gang in die Unterwelt”
2003 “Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh)”
2002 “Tar'am-Agade, Daughter of Naram-Sin, at Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2002 “Die Große Schnittstelle” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2001 “In Search of Hurrian Urkesh”
2001 “Überlegungen zur funktionellen und historischen Bestimmung des Königspalastes AP” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2000 “The Royal Palace of Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1999 “Das archäologische Projekt Tall Mozan/Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1998 “The Courtiers of the Queen of Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1998 “The Workshops of Urkesh”
1997 “Mozan, Tell” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1997 “Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1996 “Seals in Ancient Mesopotamia and Seals of God in Revelation”
1996 “Una manciata di secoli” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1996 “Nuzi Viewed from Urkesh, Urkesh Viewed from Nuzi”
1996 “The Seals of the King of Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1995-6 “The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1995 “The Identification of Urkesh with Tell Mozan” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1995 “Mozan (Tall)” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1994 “Mozan” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1991 “Mozan”, American Journal of Archaeology (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1990 “Tell Mozan”, in Mille et une capitales de Haute-Mesopotamie (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1990 “Three Seasons of Excavation at Tell Mozan”
1990 “Iconographic and Formal Analysis of Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals”
1990 “Trade in Metals in the Third Millennium: Northeastern Syria and Eastern Anatolia”
1990 “A New Third Millennium Sculpture from Mozan”
1988 Mozan 1: “The Soundings of the First Two Seasons” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1986 Insight Through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (ed., with P. Matthiae and M. Van Loon)

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